An oil tanker sailing under the flag of Russia has been hit by a sea drone in the southern part of the Kerch Strait.

Russian media said the tanker Sig has been damaged as a result of an attack by the Ukrainian side in the Kerch Strait.

Russia’s state RIA Novosti news agency said the tanker SIG received a hole in the engine room area in the southern part of the Kerch Strait as a result of, presumably, an attack by a sea drone. The vessel is afloat and water is being pumped out of the ship, the news agency added citing sources from the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot).

No casualties were reported in the attack and the crew of the tanker is safe, in accordance with the latest information given by the Russian media.

The Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq has been approached by RIA Novosti to comment on the attack on the Russian tanker.

“We have seen reports of the incident. The UN cannot confirm these reports. We strongly reiterate our call on all relevant parties to refrain from any rhetoric or action that could lead to a further escalation of the conflict,” Haq said.

Ukraine did not officially confirmed the allegations of Russia and until now there is no officially confirmation of responsibility for the attack on the Russian tanker.

Shipping Telegraph has not verified the claims.

The attacks and the warning come as tensions mount in the Black Sea, where Russia has attempted in recent weeks to cut off Ukraine’s access to the sea’s vital shipping routes.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has declared the water area of six Russian ports in the Black Sea as the war risk zone, until further notice.

The relevant warning was published by the Ukrainian State Hydrographic Service, as Ukrinform reports.

“War risk area. Water area of the internal and external roadsteads of the ports of Anapa, Novorossiisk, Gelendzhyk, Tuapse, Sochi, Taman,” the report states.