The body of one missing crew member of the sunken tugboat FAHD was found by the Suez canal authorities after the collision incident between the oil tanker Chinagas Legend and FAHD, an SCA tugboat, which took place at km 51 in Al-Ballah area.

Suez Canal Authority´s chairman and managing director Ossama Rabiee has pointed out that SCA divers have found the body in the sunken tugboat’s accommodation cabin during their survey of the cabins of the sunken wreckage, and the incident location at a depth of 24 m. through a number of consecutive diving groups.

The authority noted that efforts of the SCA’s maritime salvage team succeeded in rescuing 6 of the sunken tugboat’s 7 crew members who were hospitalized to carry out the necessary checkups. Five were discharged, while one remains under observation. It is also noteworthy that efforts to recover the sunken tugboat are still in progress.

The incident happened during the transit of the Hong Kong-flagged tanker among the south convoy amid its journey from Singapore to the United States. The collision incident resulted in damage to the hull of the SCA tugboat, and to its sinking. The maritime salvage team has successfully located the sunken tugboat at km 51.300 (canal marking).

The oil tanker is currently anchored at Port-Said as investigation about the incident is in progress.

The authority said yesterday that the recovering operation of the sunken tugboat is set to begin after the transit of the last vessel of the north-bound convoy.