Photo credit: Naval Group

French naval defence company Naval Group has submitted on December 1st an offer to the Greek Navy for the construction of Gowind corvettes in Hellenic Shipyards, Greece’s largest shipyard located in Skaramangas area near Athens.

The proposal includes a Hellenic Industry Participation plan with 30% of the program value in Greece and hundreds of jobs in the country over the next 40 years.

According to Naval Group, the offer includes 4 Gowind corvettes with the first built in France (in a period of three years) and the next three built by Hellenic Shipyards.

Construction of the first Gowind corvette in France will ensure operation by Greece in the shortest timeframe with a flag transfer only 3 years after the coming into force of the contract.

The next three corvettes will be built by Hellenic Shipyards with the first corvette built in Greece delivered only one year after the first unit and then with a pace of one Gowind corvette every twelve months.

“The construction of the three corvettes in Greece thanks to Naval Group’s transfer of technology will sustain more than 1,200 jobs in our partner shipyard while production of equipment in Greece will sustain more than 150 for the construction but also repairs. As the ships will be in service for more than 40 years, the follow-on support will also offer opportunities for up to 500 highly qualified jobs”, as Naval Group mentions in a release.

As it is mentioned by the international player in naval defence, “Naval Group’s expertise is key to ensuring the program will maximize the involvement of the Greek companies and the success of “Made in Greece”, while guaranteeing to the Hellenic Navy the quality, on-time delivery and performances of the ships”. 

Source: Naval Group