The Danish government is contributing with aircraft and patrol boats to Frontex in 2024, with the aim to strengthen Europe’s external borders, through the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex. The Danish contribution from the Armed Forces to Frontex, will provide support to Greece and in general to EU, through the control of the external borders, as it will reduce the number of irregular migrants crossing the border illegally to enter the EU.
Specifically, the government is offering an extension of the Defense and Police patrol boat contribution in Greece until the end of January 2025, with the deployment of two new patrol vessels to replace the existing ones.
Furthermore, the government contributes with a vehicle with thermal observation equipment for up to approximately 6 months, with a helicopter contribution of up to approximately 6 months, as well as with a surveillance flight contribution of up to approximately 60 days.
The two new patrol vessels are purchased, with 90% co-financing of EU funds from the EU’s instrument for financial support for border management, and visa policy.
From 2021, member states are obliged to contribute personnel contributions in the form of long-term and short-term postings (respectively 2 years and 1-4 months) to Frontex’s new standing corps, which in 2027 must have up to 10,000 members.
The capacity contributions to Frontex are basically voluntary and are based on Frontex’s expected operational needs. The contribution offered must be reported to Frontex no later than 31 January of the year before deployment. Prior to registration, the Foreign Policy Council has been informed about the contribution.
The Immigration and Integration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek states: “There is great migration pressure on Europe, which we must take very seriously. Last year, the number of irregular migrants and asylum seekers in the EU was the highest since the crisis of 2015 and 2016. This is very worrying.”
As he said it is very important that the EU’s member states work together to control the external borders. Frontex plays a decisive role, with the contribution of Denmark to the control of the external border and the reduction of the number of irregular migrants, who cross the border illegally to get to the EU, as he pointed out.
The Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard says: “The security of Europe and Denmark must be prioritised. And effective control of Europe’s external borders is crucial in the fight against cross-border crime and illegal migration, among other things. Therefore, we must continue to ensure the presence of the Danish police at the border surveillance in the Mediterranean.”
Denmark’s contribution to Frontex is part of the government’s ambition to reform the European asylum system, where more refugees are helped either in the nearby areas, or via the quota system, so that fewer refugees risk violence, abuse or losing their lives, and that the human traffickers’ business model is destroyed.