Dry bulk shipping news, Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news, Shipyard news 08/11/2023 Safe Bulkers: Decrease in Revenues and income in the 9th month of 2023
Offshore news, Shipsale news 08/11/2023 Cadeler and Eneti preparing next step towards large-scale combined group
Dry bulk shipping news, Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news 07/11/2023 EuroDry Adds Second Bulker of JV with the NRP Investors to Fleet
Offshore news, Port news, Shipsale news 07/11/2023 AD Ports Group invests $200m for Offshore Fleet Acquisition
Container news, Dry bulk shipping news, Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news 01/11/2023 Costamare reveals busy S&P, as market outlook remains uncertain
Cruise & Ferry news, Shipsale news 31/10/2023 Saevik family sells Fjord1 as DIF and EDF buy Norway’s biggest ferry operator
Dry bulk shipping news, Freight news, Shipsale news 30/10/2023 Pacific Basin goes big with more handysize, ultramax charter deals
Freight news, Shipsale news, Tankers 30/10/2023 Ocean Yield buys Nordic American suezmax to back fleet renewal
Dry bulk shipping news, Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news 27/10/2023 EuroDry reveals partnership with investors for bulker duo
Hellenic shipping news, Shipsale news 23/10/2023 Frangou of Navios Maritime Holdings closes merger deal